1. The power should last 3 a 5 minutes. 2. Feed the fish 2 a 3 times per day. 3. The biofilter board should take as much of the aquarium bottom surface. 4. Lay the aquarium on a Styrofoam plate at least 1cm thick. 5. Provide feed over 40% protein. 6. Light the aquarium 8 a 12 hours per day. 7. Do not use gravel or stones with points or sharp, They can hurt fish (and you too). 8. In winter triple attention to the water temperature. 9. To enter a new inhabitant, do not forget quarantine. 10. Plant at least 1/3 Aquarium area. 11. Observe the water temperature according to the type of fish. Ex.: tropical fish = 26C ± 2C. 12. Always replace the fish food to avoid nutritional diseases. 13. In the new tank, leave the bag of fish floating by 10 minutes to equalize the temperature and then make small holes to balance the pH and dH. Drop them after 1 hour. 14. Do not throw the bag into the water stabilized aquarium. 15. Light of direct sun in the tank increases the algae and the temperature. 16. Never hit the glass – say that children and visits !. 17. Wash your hands and arms before working in the aquarium (rinse well). 18. Live food at least 1 weekly. 19. Do not use medicines in the main tank. Treat patients in the hospital tank. 20. In the new aquarium wait at least 20 days to put the fish and 1 month for fish “janitors” (Corridoras spp., cascudos, glass cleaner, etc.). 21. Do not choose the fish for beauty. Check the health and compare the movement with their peers. 22. Do not forget that the water surface there is always gas exchange, so do not smoke or use aerosol near the aquarium. If unavoidable put a towel or cloth on top of the aquarium. 23. For tropical aquariums use 25cm2 for 1cm of fish, this is, multiply the length by the width of the pond and divide the result by 25. Ex.: The aquarium of 1000cm2 floodgate 40cm fish. 24. For cold freshwater aquariums use 75cm2 for 1cm of fish, this is, multiply the length by the width of the pond and divide the result by 75. Ex.: The aquarium of 1000cm2 floodgate 13.3cm fish. 25. green water means too much light. 26. Water yellowish means excess organic matter. 27. brown water means excess brown algae (low light). 28. turbid water means overfeeding. 29. Change 1/4 water week. |
basic tips: 1. Distribute illumination evenly throughout tank. 2. Generally, the tap water is too alkaline for fish. 3. Make several hiding places for fish “shy”. 4. Conceal the heater under the gravel. 5. Periwinkles help in cleaning the aquarium, but beware overpopulation. 6. Feed the fish before turning off the light, reducing the risk of major fish feeding the smaller. 7. After switching on the lighting, I waited 10 minutes to feed the fish. 8. Schooling fish, lives well in shoal (minimum 5). 9. Always fish “janitors” on the aquarium. 10. Shells do not match the freshwater aquarium. 11. Feed your fish with oysters. Leave a maximum of 24 h. 12. Prefer submersible pumps, besides silent, They are more efficient. 13. Groundfish as Corridora and Krusty also deserve feed, get special rations. 14. always 2 or more different rations to give. 15. The betta can live with other fish since it has no other male, females have no problem. Avoid high aquarium not “drown” the fish. 16. Do not put ornaments that is not natural. (It is almost an essential tip!). 17. In addition to the biological filter has also filter mechanical and chemical. 18. Always have spare equipment like thermometer, heater and remedies. 19. Liver and heart are excellent food, but dirty water. 20. Place lettuce leaf on water, herbivorous fish love. 21. Incandescent bulbs get hot water, take care! 22. For acidic water tanks use river gravel only, already alkaline water mix limestone gravel. |